Your small business and community platform
The Balmain Bus - Driving Business Back to the People
Food - fancy fare & a wee drop or two
The Balmain Bus Network
The Network There are businesses that kick off with only one purpose in mind. We all know what that i$ and many of us bear the scars. There are those that have a real product and/or service to offer, yet get bitten by reality. There are entrepreneurs and dreamers and artists and thinkers, all keen to be there and stand out. Then there's the last one standing. Wisdom of hindsight always tells us what we should have done and how we could have done it better, but if we could have and should have then we bluddy well would have and we wouldn't be cussing our bank account! At the Balmain Bus, we've had enough of text book bulldust and we're about to turn small business marketing into big business thinking with the real world and real people as our comfort zone. We will invite stand out businesses in each category to join us on the main stage but at no stage will we ignore all the other small businesses in the area. Together we can change the equilibrium.
Now let’s do the sums. The Balmain Bus will accept a number of dynamic businesses onto the project. That’s many businesses with similar ideals & ambitions with business nous that adds up to the wisdom of the elders but in real time. These businesses are potential clients in their own right and if nurtured can be as effective as referrals. Each of these have their own share of goodwill and their own client bases that they, for obvious reasons will be reluctant to share with anyone. However, given the right circumstances, business principals and morals, may feel obliged to circulate information relevant to their clients needs. These numbers are critical and will have a snowballing effect. Keep counting. Along with these businesses, we will actively seek strategic sponsorships from big businesses who have their feet planted on fertile community ground. These organisations will control their own budgets related to the project and as such will bring with them serious numbers by default. Are you counting still? As The Balmain Bus rolls out, the next project, Sydney Value Guide is getting tuned up and raring to go with similar numbers all keen to join the network. And there will be many connected projects that roll out continuously so the base numbers will never stop growing. How’s your counting growing? Put all of this together with our social marketing system founded on eight other internet platforms with local to global reach and I think you will get some idea of the potential.