Your small business and community platform
Balmain loves buskers so bring ‘em on and let’s listen, laugh and love . . .

Balmain’s Buskers

How’s about for one

minute of one hour of one

day of one week of one

year, everyone on the

streets of Balmain busks

for one dollar?

Reckon we can raise enough to put a deposit on buying the Balmain Bus? C’mon folk! We can do it! Aha! But here’s the catch! If you are there on the day and you don’t sing or dance or perform for your dollar - Then you pay two! Whaddayareckon?!! In Balmain, we love our buskers because there’s just something in the fun way that they do things to get things done. So we’re going to get things done the way the buskers do - have fun and make friends!